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Dart-Fans Community
Dart-Fans „Die deutschsprachige Dart-Community“

Dart-Fans.de ist eine deutschsprachige Dart-Community, die aktuelle Themen aus der Dartszene behandelt und darüber informiert.

Downloads, Dart-Features, Dart-Nachrichten, Dart-Forum, Dart-Chat, Dart-T

Rank Site In Out
1 Top 100 Dart
55091 4069

Free Darts Top 100 Listening. Your Link In The List? No? It´s Time To You! Subscribe it!
2 3-IN-A-BED Darts
47175 9269

Home of the famous 3-IN-A-BED computer darts game, 3iab is one of the worlds largest online darts communities. Compete for prizes, shop at the shop, read news, play - have fun!
3 www.dartsinmotion.nl
15226 5418
Live streaming of darts tournaments
4 Darts for Windows
9187 5573

Darts for Windows computer scoring software.Used at Lakeside 2007 (no markers on stage).Official WDF scoring and stats program.Also used by PDC.Play darts against the computer.Run tournaments
5 Professional Dart Players Association (PDPA)
7649 12422

Professional Dart Players Association site
6 dartbase.com - The Dart Thrower
6070 3773

Everything you always wanted to know about darts (but were afraid to ask).
7 American Darts Organization
5731 6134
American Darts Organization...Tournament, Results, National Rankings, Etc
8 Lionel Sams
5592 4725

Lionel Sams - Professional Dart Player
9 www.madondarts.co.uk
5356 5607
Darts, Stems, Flights, Dartboards, Accessories...
10 Darts Corner - UK Dart Shop
3765 7360

UK Dart Shop: Darts, Flights, Stems, Accessories, Boards, Cabinets, Mats, Surrounds, Badges, Jewellery.
11 Shayne Burgess
3300 3181

A look at the life of "The Bulldog" in conjunction with gfcuk.com, official sponsors of Shayne Burgess.
12 z-darts.com
3028 2435

Tienda on-line
Dianas, Dardos y Accesorios
13 www.double16.com
2814 6145
The UK darts forum. Talk about darts, dart playing and dart competitions
14 Dartoid's World
2774 5281

Dartoid's World is arguably the most widely read column about darts in the world! And, the array of Double Out Shots to be found here are pretty spectacular too!
15 Spanish darts match and players
2656 3487
Site about Spanish dart players and matches.
International news.
16 Association of Bergen County Dartists
2343 2855

ABCD - Association of Bergen County Dartists, Jersey Darts, Bergen County Darts, New Jersey, North Jersey Darts Source
17 Bob Anderson - The Limestone Cowboy
2157 4369

The site of 1988 World Darts Champion Bob Anderson, The Limestone Cowboy. Book an exhibition, or read Bob's weekly diary called "Chin Wag". Stories about life as a darts pro, and gossip !!!
18 bobby george
1815 4709

Bobby'Dazzler'George the King of bling - read Bobby's monthly darts world column - fishing at Bobby George lakes - book an appearance.
19 Tidewater Area Darters Association
1717 2173
Darting Association
20 Toe The Oche Online
1717 2985

All You Need To Know About Darts in Surrey
21 Rocket City Dart Association
1709 2270

The Rocket City Dart Association based in Huntsville, AL, whose goal is to promote Darts in Northern Alabama and Southern Tennessee.
22 dvo vaassen
1543 2508

Dutch Local Darts Organization DVO from the east part of the Netherlands...Tournament News, Results, National Rankings, much information and more.dartshops , link partners and all other components are
23 Stanton Darts - online store
1478 5597

Supplier of Unicorn, Harrows, Winmau, Hi Tec & Ruthless darts & accessories along with other quality darts equipment. Same day shipping where possible!
24 Dorsetdarts
1458 2878

Official Dorset County Darts Association Website for all news and stats from Dorset County and Superleague.
25 VALIDA // Liga de Dardos de Valladolid
1421 1429

Site with all Valida classifications: MasterRanking, League....
1420 3390
Diamond Darts for Dart Shirts, Exhibitions, Personalised Flights + More
27 Westchester County Darters Assn
1408 2233

Information and Forums for darts in and around Westchester County, NY
28 BIG BEN Darts + more
1393 2711

Darts in Chur/Switzerland and worldwide
Infos - News - Links - Collection - Have a look !
29 Baron of the Boards
1381 2283

John Peakman "Baron of the Boards" International Darts MC
30 Adrian Lewis
1359 4013
Adrian Lewis - Professional Darts Player
31 Darts411.com
1327 2848

we help dart and pool players find where to play, tournaments to play in and supplies to help them play, and everything else about darts and pool
32 Hat Trick Darts
1320 2481
Hat Trick Darts carries the finest selection of wooden, steel-tipped American Darts, Dartboards, and Dart Board games, handcrafted by artisans carrying on a tradition almost a century old.
33 Irina
1271 3731

All new website
34 Southern Nevada Darts Association
1237 2171

promoting steel tip darts in Las Vegas Nevada....league info....local draws....
35 Website for Gary Robson and Gary Anderson
1173 3168
This is the website for darts players Gary Robson and Gary Anderson
36 ClubGB - Darts
1152 1907

Darts Teams & Leagues - ClubGB.com provides a FREE internet results and player stats’ admin’ website for Darts Teams and Leagues. Easy user update creates instant online stats, result tables and lots lots more.

37 San Francisco Darts Assn.
1133 2605

Promoting the sport of steel tip darts
in the City and County of San Francisco
A Proud Member of the American Darts Organization
38 Home of the South West Donegal Darts - Latest Nati
1112 3093

Darts news from South West Donegal area plus Irish and International Darts news.
39 Wazzas World of Darts
1054 2771

Personal Site of Wazza180 & Discussion Forum...Wollongong, Australia
40 GSDarts.com
1042 3504
We stock only the very best quality darts products, manufactured in the United Kingdom. All our orders are despatched within 24 hours and we ship worldwide at sensible, affordable rates.
41 Dartkalender, Dartcalendar for Germany
1041 3631

Alle Dartspieler und alle Veranstalter können hier ihre Turnier finden oder bekannt machen.
Searching for Dart-Events in Germany? www.DARTKALENDER.de or www.DARTCALENDAR.com
42 Merlin Archery and Darts
1014 3121

Online shop and showroom for darts supplies in Leicestershire, UK.
43 Manuel Gil
1011 1851
44 Dart_Talker's - Let's Talk Darts
1007 2535

A blog about darts in my neck of the woods, and maybe yours. Lot's of International Darts News!

45 The USA Dart Club, LLC
985 3507

ADO sanctioned dart club for english steel tip shooters in the NJ/NY area.
46 Christchurch Darts
925 2291

Darts leagues in and around Christchurch and Bournemouth
47 MMORPG warofhell game
869 1185

MMORPG free online game warofhell.com
Select a race and start playing. Hunt monsters summon them
do alchemy forge weapons beat lords get #1 rank top spot.
build an army. beat your enemies. FREE FOREVER

48 TDA - Thailand Darts Association
845 2972
TDA - Thailand Darts Association.
All about darts and league games in Thailand.
49 Dardells
776 1797
Your darts online shop. Best prices direct from the manufacturer.
50 CelticDarts, darts club and darts shop
724 1774

CelticDarts.org is the official website of the CelticDarts club located in Lyon (France). It provides general informations about darts. An online darts shop will be added soon.
51 MadHouse Darts Online Darts Shop
705 1370
Online & Retail Darts Superstore Selling The Best Products at The Best Online Prices In The UK
52 PDC World Championship
684 1679
Up to date news and results from the PDC world championship and all the other tournents in the event calendar.
53 LouisvilleDarts.com
662 1807
Metro Louisville's (Kentucky) only Steel Tip League
54 Roswell Darts
657 1972

7th Annual Alien Open Dart Tournament, July 27-29, 2012! Annual event held in Roswell N.M. "Home of the U.F.O." Fantastic reviews! $7500 + Cash Prizes
55 Niagara Premier Dart League
647 1870

It's A Premier Money Dart League in Southern Ontario.
56 Manchester Dart
617 1777
We are largest dart supplier in N.H. We also set up at dart tournhaments with supplies. We offer league players a 20% discount at our store.
57 dartshow
615 1283

Darts demonstraties
58 New Jersey Darts
602 1806

Humorous weekly articles covering darts in New Jersey, USA, and beyond.
59 Dartmate and DartsRus
580 2805
Dartmate, dart equipment and accessories
60 PuroWood Custom Dart Cases
577 2396
Our cases are made from Re-Claimed wooden, Fine Cigar Boxes from all over the world. These boxes vary in size and shape allowing for some interesting challenges in adapting them. All are custom fitted with fine Hardwood inserts like Walnut, Mahogany and M
61 Darts Babes on Tour
571 2357

Fans website, sharing Ticket & venue information, Accommodation reviews, Fans Forum, Guestbook,
Photo Gallery & Player Interviews.
62 www.180-darts.com
570 2718
Best Prices in Unicorn Products
63 Big AL's Darts Site
558 3420

A fun site by a darts enthusiast with lots of useful darts information.
64 Darts Repointing
543 1184
Online & Retail Darts Superstore - No.1 Repointer!
65 Southern Arizona Darting Association
517 1761

Soutern Arizona Darting Association Official Site. Current Standings, Quality Points, Events Calendar, Old Pueblo Dart Classic and much more. Promoting Steel Tip Darts in the Tucson, Arizona area.
66 dover darts
509 2094

Darts news for the town of Dover
67 Gary Mawson
483 1081
Official website for professional dart player Gary Mawson
68 Keynsham Cricket Club Darts Team
466 1904

Official site of Keynsham Cricket Club Darts Team. Player stats, profiles and much much more...
69 West Leicester Super League
450 2173
Keep up to date with West Leicester superleague team see results league tables averages and other news
70 Dartsvereniging Booze Brothers
446 2111

Homepage Dartsvereniging Booze Brothers with news from darts in holland and in the rest of the world. Very good updated site.Check this site !!!
71 The Cleveland Darter Club
445 2343
Home page of The Cleveland Darter Club
Promoting the ancient and honorable sport of darts.
72 Darts Outaouais
432 2200
A site dedicated to dart players in canada and all around the world.
73 DartPractice.com
426 2063
Enter steel and soft tip dart practice scores for 501, cricket, other games. Graph your practice scores. View your weekly, monthly, and yearly stats. Enter your scores using the web or your cell phone
74 Stoney Stanton & District Darts League
411 1956

Local league & forum website also incorporating the Hinckley & District Summer League
75 Dart-Fans Community
400 1595
Dart-Fans „Die deutschsprachige Dart-Community“

Dart-Fans.de ist eine deutschsprachige Dart-Community, die aktuelle Themen aus der Dartszene behandelt und darüber informiert.

Downloads, Dart-Features, Dart-Nachrichten, Dart-Forum, Dart-Chat, Dart-T
76 DartsAmerica
399 1863
In search of steel tip venues in California and beyond.
77 Dartshop für Dartartikel Richter
330 2

Super Dartladen für Dartzubehör mit klasse Auswahl und gutem Service.
78 DartsNight.com
316 10

Manage your darts league or team for free! Simple to add fixtures, track player availability and record results. The league tables automatically update when results are recorded.
79 Full of Ship Darts Team
272 2

This site is your source for information about Full of Ship, the championship team in Division B of the Tuesday Night division of the New York Dart Organization.
80 Nachteulen1 aus Düsseldorf-Flingern
267 2
Nachteulen1 Der Dart-Club für Nachtschwärmer
Alles über die Nachteulen1
Gästebuch und Top 100 Liste
81 Mark Hylton
265 2
The Official Website of Mark "Mile High" Hylton, UK Darts Player.
82 Forum de darts n°1 en France
263 2
Le forum de darts n°1 en France
83 Smartness darts Europe
262 9

Smartness is a major leader in soft tips dartboard, offering dartboards and accessories for home use and leisure.
84 Different Gravy
262 851

keep track of HALF MOON's rise back to the top of Southend league.

85 Greater London Darts Organisation
260 3
The Official Site for London County and Superleague Darts - Approved by The London Executive Committee
86 Darts501.com
256 2181
All you need to know about the game of darts. Site includes, downloadable dart checkouts sheets, dart games tournament details etc. Read about the history of the game and the various types of dart boa
87 Bobstar.net
249 4
Official website of promising young PDC dart player, Robert Watson-Lang aka Bobstar.
88 Dart Brokers: Darts, Billiards, Poker and More
241 8

Dart Brokers has over $4.1 million of dart, billiard and poker supplies with over 5000 different products in stock. Dart Brokers is your one stop shop for all of your darts, billiards, and poker needs.
89 Your League Stats
239 6

The world's best darts league software
90 Cooldarts
220 614
Internet darts shop and homepage for Cafe De Wiek, Oss, The Netherlands.
91 henkottendarts
214 6

92 Santa Clarita Darts Venue
193 428
To inform all of you, new and seasoned players alike in the dart community,about everything regarding darts in Southern California. Specializing in the Santa Clarita and San Fernando Valleys. Find Leagues, Blind Draw Tournaments, Championship Tournam
93 Fantasy Darts
192 347
Fantasy Darts is a free to play game where you must assemble a squad of professional darts players and compete against fellow darts fans from around the world!
94 Team Bull Boyz Home Site
191 7

Home to one of America's Premier Dart Teams. The Rookies, The Pro's, The Player's.
95 Toolbag Club
182 6
Darts chat & fun
96 The Dart Indoors
181 1099

The Dart Indoors is a personal blog dedicated to all things dart related. I have hundreds of pics of darts and shots and boards going back a couple years and almost 200 posts during that time. Stop in and see my little corner of the Online Dart Community
97 mastercaller.com
179 7
The most complete site on tournament results all over the world
98 Club de Dardos Royal Darts - Zaragoza
177 19

Web del Club de Dardos Royal Darts de Zaragoza, Aragón, España

99 Ryelands Entertainment
170 1029
Book a Professional Dart Player online
100 dartergebnisse.de
158 2

Tabellen, Ergebnisse & Statistiken

Last Update: Thu, 03.20.25 12:25
Next Update: Thu, 03.20.25 13:25
Next Reset: never
Sites: 244

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